I hope so! I am one book closer: last night I finished Ballad by Maggie Steifvater. I loved it! I am a big fan of hers--and not just because we have the same name. (Did you know she changed her name to Maggie? Yup, she writes cool books AND she has great taste in names! But I digress...) She also wrote Shiver, which is getting a lot of attention and which people (including my students) really love. And I love it, too. But I love this series--first Lament, which I read last fall, and now Ballad--even more.
It is such a complicated story (in a good way) and I am so bad at talking about books without giving anything away, I can't even try. Here are some keywords: faeries, music, boarding school, friendship, loyalty, love.
Now, I am still reading Nurtureshock, and it is amazing! But it's not a story for before bed. So now I face a tough decision...should the next book be on paper, or on my Kindle? It's a tough choice I face...
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