Monday, October 25, 2010

The Book You Have to Read

Last fall, there was a lot of buzz about a new book: Hate List by Jennifer Brown. I finally ordered it when it was released in paperback, and I am kicking myself for not following everyone's advice and reading it sooner.

I could tell you that it's a book about a school shooting, but that is really not what the book is about. Oh, there is a horrific school shooting, and it is a big part of the book. But it's really a book about moving on after living through a tragedy. It's about living through bullying, and it's about being a survivor. Most of all, I think, it's a book about forgiveness.

If I could, I would put a copy of this book in the hands of every kid in America. And then I would make them talk to each other about it. Sometimes, I think, it is so much easier to talk about a book than it is to talk about our own lives. Thanks to Jennifer Brown for writing a book that will start the conversation so many kids (and parents, and teachers) need to have.

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